The Letter D

Just a small insight into the letter D and his life.

Location: United States

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Weeeeee! Dang, the weekends gone!

Main Entry: 1dash Pronunciation: 'dash
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English dasshen, probably from Middle French dachier to impel forwardtransitive verb

This weekend has been a busy one! I had the Princess all weekend and perhaps that is why I am sitting here late Sunday night wondering where the weekend went to.

Well, Operation Overhaul (that's what I'm calling this dieting thing) went ok for the most part this weekend. I did manage to go to the park and walk the dogs a great deal. Now that may not seem like a lot but it is. I had to take them one at a time. This means taking one over and walking several times around the park. Then walking that one home getting the other, returning to the park and walking that one several times around the park. All in all more walking than I am use to doing so it was a good thing.

Now due to the extra walking of course my back has been hurting today. I expect this and realize that it is a catch 22 situation. I need to lose weight to easy the pressure on my back but to do this it will hurt my back. I have hopes that at some point it will not hurt as much. Hopefully once I get use to walking again. I doubt I will ever reach the "running" stage as I fear that will place undue strain on my lower back and do more damage than good.

In other news seems I have to make a doctor's appointment for a physical. I've missed enoug days from work due to my back problems that they want me to start a special program ran by the state. In short it will allow me to miss as much as 12 weeks worth of work (without pay of course) and not get into any trouble. As it is now we're allowed to have 12 unexpected absences for the year and I am already at 11. I really hate going to the doctors and being poked and proded. Then again I do not want to hear that things are worse than they were a few years back when I last went.

I'll let you know how it goes.

Thursday, September 21, 2006


Main Entry: dam·na·tion Pronunciation: dam-'nA-sh&nFunction: noun: the act of damning : the state of being damned

Yes, I think that is about right between the title and the word of the day.

For the past 4 days I have been living off of celery, green apples, bananas, peanutbutter and grapefruit. OK, so I do have a cup of coffee in the morning and evening as well as a light meal for dinner. other than that I have cut out all sweets. I even switched to sugar free creamer at home. let me just say that sugar free is far better than fat free as far as taste goes.

So why the sudden change in eating habits? I could use the old adage of "I ain't gettin any younger" but that wouldn't be truly..well partially true I guess. Ever get a good look at yourself in the mirror and wonder who the heck that person was looking back at you? We for me it was a photo and not a mirror but it had the same affect.

Ten years of back problems, 20+ years of not eating correctly to the point that your metabolism has slowed to a crawl and would be going in reverse if it could go there and 28 years of smoking....well lets just say it doesn't paint a pretty picture. So I have elected to lose at least 40 lbs with an open end date so there is no pressure. If I can do that then next will be tackling the smoking issue.

Now 20 plus years of not eating correctly is a hard thing to reverse. By not eating correctly I mean eating one mean eating one meal a day and snacking (not the good kind) lightly. All of that no doubt has the motab in starvation mode. So the first course of action is to get the metabolism working correctly again. I figure that alone will take a month or so. I've been chowing down all day long for the past 4 days except for in the evening on healthy stuff like celery, apples and grapefruit. I'm a regular walking V8!

Now of course there are other reasons as well. Losing 40 lbs will do wonders for my back I believe. When I injured my back I was an over slim 175 which means I am carrying around an additional *cough* pounds right now. I'll be happy if I can get down to below 220lbs. The other reason is I realized that it has been over 4 years since Thing 2 and I split. Things have been a bit lonely and if I ever want to find a partner for the rest of my life I need to pretty up the package and make myself more presentable.

So there are a lot of posative things going on here. Down sides are forcing myself to eat more often and the ungodly amount of fiber I'm taking in. I think my body thinks I've lost my mind! I'm going to weigh myself this weekend...wanted to get a few days in before doing that. Also next week gonna start walking during the hour for lunch and then again when I get home form work.

I need to find a "Pimp My Ride" that works on real bodies instead of car bodies!

Monday, September 18, 2006


Main Entry: 1dam·age Pronunciation: 'da-mijFunction: nounEtymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from dan damage, from Latin damnum1 : loss or harm resulting from injury to person, property, or reputation

It's official! It's no fun being damaged. I hate the fact that I am getting older as well, as the damage seems to take three time as long to heal these days. After a great deal of work, my arm is once again back to almost normal with full mobility.

You ever have someone who is in perfect health standing over you saying "Oh come on, it doesn't hurt that bad!" Makes you want to reach out and just break something....on them so they'll understand that it does in fact hurt that bad!

Ya ya ya I know I've said it before but i really will work at keeping this up to date now. I am thinking about trying to lose some weight so I may use this as a running diary to basically moan and complain. While that may not make for good reading, it will give me a place to vent my frustration. If I can drop the *cough*cough* pounds I want to then I may have the will power to tackle the whole "Stop Smoking" thing. Why the sudden kick to get healthy and in shape you may wonder...well that will be a topic of a different post I think.

Catch ya later!