Been a while
Main Entry: dusty
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): dust·i·er; -est
Date: 13th century
1: covered or abounding with dust
2: consisting of dust : powdery
3: resembling dust
4: lacking vitality : dry
OK, so I finally showed back up and dusted off the place. I make no promises to how often I'll be posting though. Life is busier than ever these days and the days, despite the time change, just aren't long enough it seems.
On a good note though two days ago I started walking again. Did 1.4 miles the first night and 2.1 miles last night so needless to say I am hurting today. I'll be out walking again tonight even though last night was kind enough to give me a blister on my right foot. I'm going to give this another go though now that the weather is nicer. It's hard when you get home it's already dark out and its cold (well cold for southern Cali) out. Just couldn't get motivated in those kind of conditions. On a goo note D Jr. has walked both nights with me which gives us time to talk and have those "Male Bonding" moments.
His school did go to well last grading perios. Somehow he managed to take a B, B, C & A and in 2 weeks drop them to a D, F, F & C. I swear I don't know how he does it. We have a new agreement currently. I call it dangling the carrot in front of the...well you know what I mean. He'll be turning 17 in October and badly wants to learn how to drive. So I told him if he can bring home good grades next grading period without his mother and I having to ride him all the time that I would sign him up for Drivers Education. Further I told him that if he can manage to graduate with his current class (aka not have to stay an extra sememster to make up classes) that upon his graduation I would give him the Mustang. The cars paid for so if he wrecks it at least I won't be still paying on it. We'll see how it goes. He claims to be doing well in his classes but given his ability to lie to us about these things I ain't holding my breath.
In other news, My youngest, S has been growing....sideways. We were surprised that he finally agreed to play Little League baseball as he had said he didn't want to this year. I think it had a lot to do with the fact that two of his cousins are on the team and teir father is one of the coaches. Still it's good to seehim up and if I could just get him to walk with us!! Lastly, my little Princess V had to get glasses. She was a 2.75 in her left eye and a 1.5 in the right. Now I have no clue what those numbers mean but it is what was on the prescription. Of course Thing 2 didn't have money for glasses so I took her. $250 for 2 pairs of glasses and this was durring a buy 1 get the 2nd at half price sale. I figured as she is only 9 it was wise to have a backup pair. Of course the backup pair are not as stylish as the main ones but they'll do if anything happens to those.
OK, I've rattled on long enough for one post. I'll post again as time and my memory allows me to.
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): dust·i·er; -est
Date: 13th century
1: covered or abounding with dust
2: consisting of dust : powdery
3: resembling dust
4: lacking vitality : dry
OK, so I finally showed back up and dusted off the place. I make no promises to how often I'll be posting though. Life is busier than ever these days and the days, despite the time change, just aren't long enough it seems.
On a good note though two days ago I started walking again. Did 1.4 miles the first night and 2.1 miles last night so needless to say I am hurting today. I'll be out walking again tonight even though last night was kind enough to give me a blister on my right foot. I'm going to give this another go though now that the weather is nicer. It's hard when you get home it's already dark out and its cold (well cold for southern Cali) out. Just couldn't get motivated in those kind of conditions. On a goo note D Jr. has walked both nights with me which gives us time to talk and have those "Male Bonding" moments.
His school did go to well last grading perios. Somehow he managed to take a B, B, C & A and in 2 weeks drop them to a D, F, F & C. I swear I don't know how he does it. We have a new agreement currently. I call it dangling the carrot in front of the...well you know what I mean. He'll be turning 17 in October and badly wants to learn how to drive. So I told him if he can bring home good grades next grading period without his mother and I having to ride him all the time that I would sign him up for Drivers Education. Further I told him that if he can manage to graduate with his current class (aka not have to stay an extra sememster to make up classes) that upon his graduation I would give him the Mustang. The cars paid for so if he wrecks it at least I won't be still paying on it. We'll see how it goes. He claims to be doing well in his classes but given his ability to lie to us about these things I ain't holding my breath.
In other news, My youngest, S has been growing....sideways. We were surprised that he finally agreed to play Little League baseball as he had said he didn't want to this year. I think it had a lot to do with the fact that two of his cousins are on the team and teir father is one of the coaches. Still it's good to seehim up and if I could just get him to walk with us!! Lastly, my little Princess V had to get glasses. She was a 2.75 in her left eye and a 1.5 in the right. Now I have no clue what those numbers mean but it is what was on the prescription. Of course Thing 2 didn't have money for glasses so I took her. $250 for 2 pairs of glasses and this was durring a buy 1 get the 2nd at half price sale. I figured as she is only 9 it was wise to have a backup pair. Of course the backup pair are not as stylish as the main ones but they'll do if anything happens to those.
OK, I've rattled on long enough for one post. I'll post again as time and my memory allows me to.
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