The Letter D

Just a small insight into the letter D and his life.

Location: United States

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

So Much To Learn!

der·o·gate ( P ) Pronunciation Key (dr-gt)v. der·o·gat·ed, der·o·gat·ing, der·o·gates v. intr.
To take away; detract: an error that will derogate from your reputation.
To deviate from a standard or expectation; go astray.

Maybe it's just me. Maybe I've just grown old enough (ain't gonna say older :P) but I've noticed I tend to care less and less about what others think about me and more and more about what I think about myself. Now I'm sure to some of you this would seem like...well....DUH!!

The interesting thing is the kids nowadays. Let me explain. In my house the hub of activity is the garage. Not because I have a cool car or anything mind you but rather because the garage is the electronics capital of the house. Everything from PS2, xbox, computers big screen yada, yada, yada...basically everything kids crave. Most of the time I am out there with them minding my own business on my own computer. This of course allows me to over hear their conversations.

Now maybe my memory is going but I don't recall being as concerned as they are with how others peers thought of me. Yes, I do admit wanting to make a good impression on Joyce Myers in the 6th grade and all and there was Connie from High School that always showed up at the wrong times (wrong for me that is), but these kids seem to live and breath for what others think of them! They seem to be fearful that to do something original and out of the norm will will derogate from their reputation.

For those of you who are well past the High School years, was it that way with us as well and I just don't recall it? What further strikes me as funny that if you mention this to the kids these days they will deny it almost to the point of being hostile about it! They will feverantly swear that they are free thinkers and do whatever they want on the one hand but on the other they won't dare to step out of the acceptable "Norm" of their peers.

Boy do they have a lot to learn! :)


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