The Letter D

Just a small insight into the letter D and his life.

Location: United States

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Buzz-Buzz Baby!

dis·trac·tion ( P ) Pronunciation Key (d-strkshn)n.
The act of distracting or the condition of being distracted.
Something, especially an amusement, that distracts.
Extreme mental or emotional disturbance; obsession: loved the puppy to distraction.

There seem to be two types of people on this planet…those who can and those who get distracted. Which are you? S for myself, I am the later of the two. A typical scenario would be starts on task A, item 1…item 2 would go good with task C which can’t be done till task F items 1-4 are completed…..well, you get the picture.

Now for those of you who were the former of the two I am sure by now you have no clue what I am talking about. You go through life following the alphabet as if it made perfect sense to you. A, B, C etc…. All I can say is that you’re missing out on a lot of things by doing it this way. Think of it as going for a drive. Now you could take the direct approach and find the shortest route between point A and B (there’s those damn alphabets again!) but where is the fun in that? Sometimes it is perfectly fine to get off the beaten path as you can be amazed at what you’ll find there. Of course you’ll never know till you’ve tried it.

The down side to distraction, if you’re like me, is that you end up starting countless projects only to get distracted by something else. Please note that I did not say anything about finishing any projects. This, by no means is done intentionally. We have ever intention of returning to the forgotten projects and finishing them. We even allow ourselves moments of distraction thinking about just how we’ll return to them and finish them….yet we never seem to be able to make it back there. That illusive letter A always seems to slip out of our grasps as we’re distracted by K or V or some other equally important letter that drawns our attention as a moth is drawn to a flame.

So, do you go from A, to B to C, completing every task before moving on to the next…in an assembly line mentality or do you float free from flower to flower like a Bumble Bee…always to busy to linger any place overly long? If you’re like me then look me up sometime and we’ll buzz around together like bees…provided we don’t get distracted by C or D.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You like letters, don't you?

7:12 PM  
Blogger D said...

Most, though some more than others. ;-)

1:02 PM  

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