The Letter D

Just a small insight into the letter D and his life.

Location: United States

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Seasons


Main Entry: daw•dle
Pronunciation: 'do-d&l
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): daw•dled; daw•dling /'do-dli[ng], -d&l-i[ng]/
intransitive verb

1 : to spend time idly
2 : to move lackadaisically
transitive verb : to spend fruitlessly or lackadaisically

OK, so I have come to the conclusion that the Holidays are not the best time to try and lose weight. I was doing so well...ok, I was doing OK but then Thanksgiving had to come around! I haven't been walking at night since the day before Thanksgiving. I have still walked at work but just not at night. I really need to get back into it...however that will apparently have to wait now. Why you ask? Keep reading.

It seems I am not the only one to dawdle in the family. D Jr. has been doing his fair share recently...almost to the point that I want to throw something, pull all my hair out and generally explode with frustration!! Aren't kids just great!! Seems he was ditching school again and doing nothing in his classes. Here is a good example of what I am up against.

*1000+ word MLA English report was due on the 21st. - Not handed in
*Asked D Jr, was told he handed it in.
*Received email from teacher saying no he hadn't and that he would give him till the 30th to hand it in.
*Asked D. Jr - said he will print it out again on the 27th and hand it in
*Email from teacher on the report received
*Spoke with D Jr. evening of the 28th - he confirmed he had it on computer at school but failed to make it to the library to print it out again. Sent him to school early morning of the 29th so he could do this.
*Email from report received.
*(see a pattern here yet?)
*Spoke with D Jr. evening of 29th explained if it was not turned in by tomorrow he'd get no credit for it. Offered to help do the report with him (this was about my fourth time offering to help him with the report).
*Evening of the 30th spoke with D Jr and received a sworn testament that he had placed the report on the teachers desk.
*Figure all is well that ends well and so have a nice weekend
*Monday the 4th receive email from report received and further more the kids are not allowed near his desk
*Evening of the 4th final get confession that he has never done the report. Stay up till after 1am doing report with him. He'll turn it in even though he won't get credit for it.

The above is more and more taking on the aspect of the norm for all his classes. Don't even get me started with Math and Biology!!

The joys of being a parent!!  Between the Math Tutor three nights a week (can we say Cha-Ching?) and making sure he does the work for his other classes it just doesn't leave much time for walking at night it seems.