The Letter D

Just a small insight into the letter D and his life.

Location: United States

Thursday, September 16, 2004

What to do?

Today's D word is Due Diligence

Main Entry: due diligence
Function: noun: the care that a reasonable person exercises under the circumstances to avoid harm to other persons or their property

Going by the definition above I can only surmise that my oldest child, D jr. is neither reasonable nor does he care…about anything. For those that do not know him, he is at that wonderful age of “14 going on grounded for life”. In the space or three days he has managed to get himself grounded from the following things;

Cell Phone
Playing Outside
Watching TV

He’s also managed to add an additional 12 chores to his tasks every weekend for the next month. All this in the space of three days. Now before you start to think I’m a mean parent, only the cell phone was my doing. His mother did the rest. I’m usually the nice one as I’m one of the easiest going people I know and that’s not tooting my own horn, but he’s even managed to push me to the edge.

While I know he is a “teenager” he has really been pushing the limits. In fact he not only pushed them he tripped over the line and fell face first onto the wrong side of it. Perhaps it’s because he’s the first of my children to reach this age (only three more to go, oh JOY!)…I know I don’t recall giving my folks this much heartache…well at least not for the things I got caught for anyway. D jr has always been the easy going one, much like myself, so it is a bit unnerving to see him behave in this manner. If I didn’t know better I’d swear he was possessed at times.

I think they should have a place, say like Australia, where parents can send their kids to between the ages of 13 and 16. Some place isolated with no way off of till they out grow this “condition” called teenager! I’m sure you’ll be hearing more on this subject as he gets older. I’m already looking for a good convent to send the Princess to when she gets to this age.


Blogger Just Me said...


Welcome to the age of teenage maddness,yours. As a survivor of this period I can tell you, you do survive it, barely. Muhahaha. Seriously though, keep trying to talk to him, I have found that kids who keep acting out like this, especially the those formally known as easy going, usually have something on their minds. Somethig is bugging 'em and sometimes, we can lay the blame on hormones.

Punishments seem fitting, so relax. The only thing I'd like to add is, don't leave them in place for too long. It becomes less effective. However, when it is of short duration and done repeatedly, they get mighty sick of it and then the answer is simple. They want it to stop, then do what you need to, to make it so. It tries the parents' patience but in the long run worth it.


3:27 PM  
Blogger D said...

Thanks for the encouragement Shroom. Things have settled down a bit and he has received some of his restrictions back. We're waiting on the deliverency of grades in another week or so to see what happens.

I'll be sure to spot when those come in.


4:55 PM  

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