The Letter D

Just a small insight into the letter D and his life.

Location: United States

Monday, September 13, 2004

Where to begin?

Well, I finally made it to ....Well, HERE.....Where ever here may be or may lead me.

Let's jump in head first and tell you that I'm a huge typo King. So please pardon any typos you'll find in reading though whatever I may type here. There, you've been warned.


Well today I had a tooth extraction. Not just any tooth mind you but a front tooth. If you've never seen your dental exrays let me just tell you that the front teeth have roots that seemingly go all the way up into your brain. I seriously felt like my brain was going to be still attached to the end of the tooth when it finally came out! I've had several extractions over the years, being prone to weak teeth, and none of them hurt nearly as much as this one....Even after 4 shots of novacane. All the more reason why going to the dentistry ranks up there with going to the doctors, IRS audits and giving the speach at a funeral.

My time these days is filled mostly with on-line gaming. That statement is a little misleading as I don't actually get to play any more. My time is taken up with administrative work I should say. I run two rather large and successful groups. The first is called [MC] Gamers (hence forth referred to as [MC]) and is a clan. Don't let the word clan scare you off, it's meant more in the tribal sense of the word. Most clans are anywhere from 4-20 members...mine is currently pushing 700 world-wide. The second group also deals with on-line gaming and is one I inherited as it's creator, after 8 months was calling it quits...It's called The Cheat Police and is an organization established to combat cheating in on-line gaming. At one point it's membership was over 11,000 but we had a database crash (several actually) and lost a great deal of the registrations. So far we're close to the 4,000 mark once again.

As time progresses I'm sure I'll be writing lots about those two groups as they are a never ending source of both problems as well as joys.

Though I will make every effort to keep you all posted in this blog, I make no promises as to just how often I'll get a chance to post here.

OK, I think I've typed enough for the first post.


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